the works


Full brand film

Within this full brand film of around 5 minutes you get to show in detail what you are, who you are, why you are and sets you apart from the competition. B-roll of you doing your thing just like a fun and exciting episode of how its made. Interviews are the next step. You get to show your beautiful face on camera giving your elevator pitch straight to your perfect audience. Just kidding we don’t ONLY do elevator pitches here. I’ll sit you down and ask you questions that dig to the why, the who and what gets you out of bed to do what you love to do. The final look will be b-roll and interview footage spliced together to make a complete story. All of this set with music that fits your vibe with graphics, like lower thirds, titles, text, etc… to support.

The b-roll

Here’s where we get to be a fly on the wall to capture and observe you in your element. The goal here is to get enough footage to tell your story with just b-roll. Usually these videos are under a minute for social media and short attention spans (like mine). And it’s cropped vertical but can be horizontal if needed. Think of this video as your elevator pitch.

The social cut

Similar to the b-roll cut this is a super short version of the full brand film but only the absolute important interview segments. Still under a minute but it’s another good option to the b-roll cut. Think of it as a “plus MAX” phone, same but a bit more. Again its good for socials. This is also cropped vertically but can also be horizontal if needed.